Pentest Tools Library

This is a library documenting tools, their usage and functions for each stage in the pentest cycle, so I don't have to google every time.

OSCP Exam miscellaneous Tools

  1. OBS for Recording the exam


  1. AutoRecon by Tib3rius

Allows for scanning multiple hosts concurrently

Automated script to check for:

  1. System info / User information (attempt to read /etc/shadow, list all users UID)

  2. Privileged access - permissions and sudo access or root home access

  3. Jobs/Cron

  4. Services & Versions (Sudo, MYSQL, Postgres, Apache)

  5. Searches

Web App Enumeration

General rule of thumb is to leave web servers to the last. Non-http enumeration is simple, HTTP enumeration could take too much time.

  • dirsearch / gobuster for directory or file enumeration, use wordlists like rockyou.txt

  • Look at source code for HTML clues

  • Learn wfuzz with payloads from PayloadAllTheThings and fuzzdb

  • Proxy web app through Burp using repeater

Privilege Escalation

The hardest even for the most experienced, do spend more time learning this and practicing.

Last updated