A collection of useful pentesting scripts in bash, python, powershell and the like. Mainly collected here in a single library so I don't have to keep googling all over the place.
Last updated
A collection of useful pentesting scripts in bash, python, powershell and the like. Mainly collected here in a single library so I don't have to keep googling all over the place.
Last updated
ALWAYS put a space between the square brackets [ and the contents! (etc if ["$1" == ""] will generate an error!)
Pings ip address in the entire range to see who is up (etc ping to , greps 64 bytes line as its the linux default bytes for ping
Need trick is to use nmap loop on output text of IP results from this script
The speed template nmap -T4 flag ranges from 0 for slow and stealthy to 5 for fast and obvious.25